Most parents dread the thought of their child bringing home head lice, but it happens, and probably more often than you think! According to the CDC, 6-12 million infestations occur each year, and they’re mostly in school-aged children.
What many parents don’t realize is that there are several options for managing head lice. Staying on top of these blood-sucking pests is key, as this stops the life cycle from continuing and spreading to others in your home and community.
One of the best tools you have for handling head lice is a lice comb. In fact, a lice comb is so effective, it can even remove super lice and potentially avoid the need for harsh chemicals and pesticides. Let’s learn more about super lice, why they are increasing, and how a lice comb can help.

What are Super Lice and Why are They Increasing?
Super lice is a term used to describe strains of head lice that have developed resistance to common over-the-counter (OTC) products, particularly those containing pyrethroids, a class of insecticides that includes permethrin. These lice are called “super” not because they are stronger or larger, but because they are harder to eliminate with traditional chemical treatments.
Studies are showing that the majority of lice infestations may be super lice, making OTC treatments largely ineffective. One of the biggest reasons for the rise in super lice is the repeated use of pyrethroid-based treatments.
Some lice populations have developed genetic mutations that make them less susceptible to these chemicals. As a result, the standard interventions that once effectively eradicated lice may have little or no impact on them.
How a Lice Comb Can Help
Lice combs are effective in a couple of ways. First, they can be used weekly to check for head lice, potentially catching them early before they have the chance to spread. Second, if you do find head lice on your child, you can use the comb to drag out the lice on the spot. If your child has only a few lice, a comb may be all you need to manage the situation.
An infestation will likely require a more aggressive approach using head lice products like this dimethicone oil and nit glue-loosening enzymes. You can also use the comb when applying these products, ensuring that they coat each strand of hair. Overall, a lice comb is a highly versatile product that can be used to manage all types of lice infestations.
This Comb is the Most Effective at Managing Head Lice
There are many different combs on the market, but we stand by the Lice Eliminator Comb. Much careful thought went into the design and materials of this comb, ensuring it is incredibly effective and easy to use. Using an ordinary comb or brush is not sufficient for taking away lice, as the spaces between the teeth are too wide. The lice and nits will fall right through!
The Lice Eliminator Comb has long, micro-grooved teeth made from stainless steel, which comb out and eliminate even the tiniest eggs in the hair. Simply section the hair and comb thoroughly from scalp to ends in all directions, while wiping the comb on a paper towel. Repeat these steps until the towel shows no signs of lice or nits. Remember, if you catch lice early enough, it stops them from spreading.
Our comb also has a couple of neat features, such as its anti-slip grip that makes it easy to control, its ability to be cleaned and sterilized, and its versatility for all hair types: curly, straight, thick, thin, and everything in between! And since the comb can be sterilized, you can use it for multiple family members, spreading your dollar further.
Buy Our Lice Comb Today!
To purchase a lice comb for your home, you can order it directly from our website. We have one-pack, two-packs, and three-packs depending on the size of your family. This comb is most effective when used in conjunction with our other products, such as our dimethicone oil, nit glue-loosening enzymes, mint spray, and our mint anti-lice shampoo and conditioner. We back our products with our 100% satisfaction guarantee, so there’s no risk in trying our products and seeing if they work for you!