Head lice can appear any time of year, but there are certain milestones and seasons when cases often spike. The truth is that head lice thrive in conditions where children (and even adults) are in close contact, sharing personal items like hats, combs, or pillows.
Below, we’ll explore four notable periods—summer, back to school, the holiday season, and early January—and why these times see an uptick in head lice activity.
Even though kids are out of school in the summer, they still have plenty of opportunities to spread lice—sometimes even more than when they are in school and have rules to follow! During the summer, kids attend day camps or sleep-away camps, putting them in direct contact with other children. They also tend to spend a lot of time at friends’ houses, sharing beds, pillows, and other personal items.
When children play physically (e.g., sports or climbing on playgrounds), there’s more chance of head-to-head contact. Less structured routines also cause families to become more relaxed with routines like regular head checks, giving lice more time to spread undetected.
Back to School
Late summer/early fall is a peak season for head lice. Children return to classrooms, sitting in groups, sharing lockers, and hanging coats together. All of this allows lice to transfer easily. Group activities like projects, reading circles, and sports teams also mean more proximity and the potential for head-to-head contact.
For many families, summer gets busy, and they may not have checked for lice regularly. This means that unnoticed infestations have the chance to flourish as school starts, leading to an uptick in head lice cases. Sending your child to school with their hair up, educating them on not sharing personal items, and continuing regular checks can help you manage the initial weeks of school.
The Holiday Season
Germs aren’t the only things that spread during the holiday season—head lice do, too! Family gatherings are common over the winter holidays. Relatives often stay in the same house, sharing couches, guest beds, or blankets. Vacations or extended trips can also lead to shared luggage or cramped sleeping environments.
And, just like in the summer, many families don’t maintain consistent head-check routines over the holidays, allowing lice to go unnoticed. There’s not much you can do but continue to emphasize the importance of not sharing items, regularly check for head lice, and have open communication to minimize the spread.
Early January (Post-Holiday Break)
After the holiday break, kids head back to classrooms, reuniting with peers. Any lice picked up during family gatherings can spread upon their return. Plus, cold weather often pushes kids indoors, where they play in tight spaces.
And, with all the excitement of the holidays, parents might miss itching or early lice signs, only discovering a problem as school resumes. Gently remind your child not to share winter hats, headphones, or scarves. Also be sure to keep your child’s hair tied up and resume regular lice checks.
Final Thoughts
Head lice aren’t limited to just one season, but certain times of the year—like summer camp, back-to-school, the holiday season, and early January—create perfect storms of close contact and shared belongings.
Staying vigilant, performing regular checks, and teaching kids simple hygiene guidelines (like avoiding hat or brush sharing) can greatly reduce the risk of infestations. If lice do appear, rest assured that you can manage the infestation using My Hair Helpers’ products. Shop for head louse products today!