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Head Lice Blog


by Amy Chinian

Dealing with head lice can be frustrating, especially when you’re looking for a quick, effective solution that doesn’t rely on harsh chemicals. At My Hair Helpers, we understand the need for a natural, yet powerful approach to eliminate head lice quickly. That’s why we’ve developed a range of products specifically designed to help you get rid of lice in just one day, naturally.

Why Choose Natural Lice Products

Chemical solutions are often harsh on the scalp and can lead to irritation, dryness, and even resistance in lice populations, making them less effective over time. Natural lice interventions not only avoid these issues but also provide a safer, gentle lotion for your hair and scalp.

All of the products from My Hair Helpers are safe for kids and adults of all ages and skin types. Following the steps below allows you to tackle lice in a single day so that your child can return to school or daycare.

You will need to reapply the solution in about one week, but a single application is enough to get your child back in school.

baby with head lice

Step-by-Step Guide to One-Day Lice Intervention

Step 1: Prepare Your Hair with Lice Oil

Massage My Lice Oil into the scalp and saturate. This process will trap and slow down lice. Be generous with the oil—one bottle is usually enough for 2 or 3 children.

Step 2: Spray Hair with Mint Conditioner

Once your child’s scalp is saturated with My Lice Oil, spray a conditioner mixture (Mint Conditioner + warm water) onto their hair. This softens the hair and helps you work out tangles. You can use a regular wide-tooth detangler comb for this step.

Step 3: Apply our Natural Enzymes

Nits are difficult to remove because they produce a glue that allows them to stick to the hair shafts. Our Natural Enzymes loosens this glue so that you can lift the nits out of the hair and stop them from hatching.

Section the hair horizontally starting from the bottom and place a layer of mousse directly on the scalp to cover the hair. Do this for each section and leave on for five minutes. Apply a second layer and leave on for an additional five minutes. DO NOT RINSE.

Step 4: Comb Each Strand and Wipe

Now, you’re going to section the hair from ear to ear. Clip up the strands in sections and use the lice comb to comb the hair in all four directions, dragging out lice and nits.

With each movement, you’ll want to wipe the comb onto a paper towel. Eventually, the swipes should be completely clean of lice and nits. Sleep in the oil overnight, using a shower cap to protect bedding and clothing.

Step 5: Wash the Hair with Mint Shampoo and Conditioner

In the morning, wash out the hair using our Mint Anti-Lice Shampoo or Clarifying Shampoo. Then use our Mint Conditioner to soften the hair and restore its natural luster. Repeat these steps in about 5 to 6 days. Then, take a peek once a week using the Lice Comb and spray your child’s hair with our Mint Spray.

Get Rid of Lice in Just One Day!

Once you perform one application, it’s enough to get your child back into school. The purpose of the reapplication is to ensure that all lice and nits are caught so that they do not start a new infestation.

Don’t forget that it is possible to fend off lice in the future using smart practices (avoiding head-to-head contact, not sharing personal items), checking once a week for signs of lice, wearing the hair tied up, and using a mint spray. Lice hate the smell of mint!

You can order all of these products directly from our website for quick shipping, great prices, and our 100% satisfaction guarantee!

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