Dealing with head lice is not a fun experience, though there are products, tools, and strategies that can make it easier for you and your child. It’s always important to remember that head lice are not hazardous to your health, and they are not a sign of being dirty.
Lice are actually quite common in childhood because they spread easily through direct contact. And as we all know, kids enjoy being close to their friends, classmates, and caregivers!
While there is no way to block lice 100% of the time, you can get them out of the hair permanently by using products that effectively address the infestation and precautionary products that prohibit them from coming back.
Here’s a comprehensive guide to managing head lice and fending them off for good.
Understanding the Life Cycle of Lice
Before diving into the management of head lice cases, let’s take a few minutes to understand the lice life cycle. Adult lice lay eggs on hair shafts close to the scalp. These eggs hatch into nymphs in 7-10 days, and the nymphs mature into adult lice within another 7-10 days.
Adult lice can live for about 30 days on the scalp, and during this time, they can lay numerous eggs. This is how infestations grow quickly.Understanding this cycle is important because effective solutions must tackle both the lice and the nits.
Choose the Right Products
When lice have been accurately verified, the next step is to choose a method that will get them out of the hair. There are various options available, but not all are equally effective.
For instance, over-the-counter lice shampoos and oils are convenient and accessible, but they don’t always work because lice have developed a tolerance to them, especially those with permethrin. Furthermore, these products often contain harsh ingredients that can cause reactions in some children.
Natural kitchen-based remedies are another way to address head lice, but these too are often ineffective. There is little research out there to support that things like mayonnaise or olive oil work to take out lice, and they can be messy to deal with.
While it’s true that some essential oils can dissuade lice from a child’s head, they do little to actually manage the infestation. Prevention is great, but what do you do when your child already has lice?
Here at My Hair Helpers, we recommend the lice-comb method for mild infestations or a course of action using our proprietary products made from natural ingredients.
Apply the Products Correctly
Regardless of the method you choose, proper application is key to success. Follow the instructions carefully, including how much to use, how long to leave it on for, and when to apply a second application. You can find detailed instructions on how to use our products step-by-step. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you need further direction!
Another thing we want to stress, regardless of the product you choose, is not to overdo it. Oftentimes, people think that applying more of a particular product will be more effective, but this isn’t how it works. In fact, using too much of a chemical or applying it too frequently can irritate the scalp and potentially lead to resistance. Stick to the recommended dosage and schedule.
Finally, focus on applying the solution to the entire scalp and the base of the hair shafts, as this is where lice and nits are most likely to be found. After applying these products, use a lice comb with closely spaced teeth to remove lingering nits and prevent re-infestation. Combing should be done every few days for a couple of weeks.
Get Lice Out of Your Hair—and Your Life–for Good!
Taking lice out of the hair permanently requires a combination of effective products and thorough nit removal. Environmental cleaning can help, but it’s usually not necessary since lice can only survive off the scalp for a day or two. Once all lice and nits are gone, continue methods of prevention by using an anti-lice shampoo and conditioner, and lice spray.
By following the steps above, you can successfully get lice out of your child’s hair and have your peace of mind back. To get our products delivered straight to your door, visit My Hair Helpers today!