When dealing with a lice infestation, one of your first instincts might be to wash your hair. After all, good hygiene is often thought to be an effective way to eliminate dirt, residue, dead skin, and sweat.
However, when it comes to head lice, simply washing your hair isn't enough to get rid of these persistent parasites. Let's explore why this is the case and what methods are actually effective in addressing lice.
Why Washing Isn't Enough to Remove Lice
Head lice are small, wingless insects that feed on blood from the human scalp. They are also remarkably resilient. Washing your hair with normal shampoo and water is unlikely to have any significant impact on lice for several reasons:- Lice Cling Tightly: These parasites are equipped with claws that are specifically designed to grip onto hair. This makes them incredibly difficult to dislodge through washing.
- Water-Resistant: Lice can hold their breath for hours, and they are not significantly affected by water during normal shampooing.
- Eggs Are Secure: The eggs, or nits, are firmly attached to the hair shaft with a glue-like substance that water alone cannot dissolve.
Effective Methods to Address Lice
Since regular hair washing won’t stop lice from multiplying, you’ll need to turn to more effective products. Here are some proven methods:
Medicated Lice Shampoo
Lice shampoos are designed specifically to address a head lice infestation. Some products contain ingredients like permethrin or pyrethrin, though these are insecticides that can have negative side effects. Therefore, it’s best to consider lice shampoos made from natural ingredients and to always follow the application instructions closely. Be aware that you may need to repeat washing to catch any newly hatched lice. Although cleansing hair alone does not stop lice, shampoos with peppermint essential oil do help to safeguard you from them.
Wet Combing
This method involves using a fine-toothed lice comb to physically remove lice and nits from wet hair. After applying dimethicone to trap the lice, comb through the hair in sections, wiping the comb on a paper towel after each pass. Repeat every few days for a couple of weeks to ensure all lice and nits have been removed. Wet combing is generally most effective for mild infestations. For moderate to severe infestations, you'll need a head lice kit with all of the products required to adequately address the problem.
Professional Head Lice Services
If home remedies don’t clear up the infestation, professional lice salon services can provide thorough, effective treatment. My Hair Helpers offers professional head lice services in locations throughout Southern California. We use our own products and provide families with education on how to remain lice-free. If your child has a severe infestation, or if multiple people in the home have lice, our services will provide peace of mind.
Additional Tips
In addition to using lice products on the hair and scalp, it’s important to:- Wash bedding, hats, stuffed animals and clothing in hot water and dry on high heat to kill lice that may have fallen off the head.
- Vacuum carpets and furniture to remove any hairs that might have viable eggs attached.
- Avoid head-to-head contact and sharing personal items like combs, brushes and hair accessories.
- Let others who share close contact with you know of the infestation so that they can protect themselves.
Addressing Head Lice Safely and Effectively
While washing your hair is an important part of maintaining personal hygiene, it is not an effective method for getting rid of lice on its own. Combining proper hair washing with lice products and methods intended to address head lice and safeguard the hair, you need a comprehensive approach. To learn more about the products and services available for addressing head lice, shop our natural lice products or contact My Hair Helpers today at 805-750-9174.